How To Choose Your Wedding Music (Featuring, Mohr Fun Events)

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. I am so excited to be featuring one of our preferred wedding DJ’s, Karl Mohr with Mohr Fun Events. He’s been so kind to share some tips for choosing your wedding music. Check it out below!

“What a great question! Actually there’s a lot of art and science that goes into this song selections at weddings. I think that a big part of our success can be attributed to our willingness and desire to customize our performances to match the clients vision of the perfect event. Here are my suggestions for selecting songs for a wedding reception.

  1. If it’s a song for a specific moment or sequence, I think it should be a song that’s special— in an emotion invoking way— to those involved. I would also suggest that people put themselves in that specific moment/place in their minds while actually playing the song through their favorite sound system as a test.

  2. For music for the dance party, my main suggestion would be for hosts to give a little extra weight to selections that their guests would dance to, and otherwise just provide the boundaries of what is appropriate for their entertainment professional and let them handle the rest.

  3. I have an online planning system that helps my clients build a framework for the performance that compiles statistics from tens of thousands of events nationwide. People can literally just scroll down the lists of the most popular requests within any specific genre and check off what they’d like to hear ; or conversely, what they don’t want played. During my final call with my clients, I find out what kind of music that they like (Which might not always be the music that best fits their theme) So that I can try to perform from an enlightened perspective.”

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